Mylapore Times Charitable Trust (MTCT) is launching the 2025 project to raise donations which will help fund part of the fees of economically-weak, bright students who move up in senior school or get admitted to colleges in the new academic year.
This is an annual project of the Trust and it supports as many as 25 to 30 students of the neighbourhood. In 2024, a sum of close to Rs.2.75 lakhs was given to deserving students.
The funds are raised with generous donations by Mylaporeans, in the area and from outside.
Donations can be made online now. You may call Mylapore Times office manager Shanthi at 2498 2244 ( 11 am to 5 pm) for guidance on how best to make the donation
This past week, Nilakanta Subramanian of Keshava Perumal Puram donated Rs. 5000.