Women’s Indian Association offers courses in computer applications, Tally. Fees are nominal

The Computer Training Centre of Women’s Indian Association (a NGO), on Greenways Road is conducting a three-months certificate courses in computer applications and Tally.

Certificates will be provided to those who complete the course.

Each class lasts for an hour and classes are held daily – applicants can opt to chose classes between 8 am and 12 noon and between 4 and 7 pm on all days except Sundays.

Nominal fees are collected to pay the tutor’s salary and for the maintenance of the computers, says the secretary of Women’s Indian Association, Shanthi Socrates.

Both men and women can join these classes and there is no upper age limit.

With qualified teachers, high quality computers and a stable internet connection, the computer training centre of WIA aims to train many people.

For more details, log on to www.wiachennai.org

Women’s Indian Association Computer Training Centre is at nNo 177/43, Greenways Road, R A Puram ( near the Greenways Road MRTS rail station). Ph: 94450 81824