Remembering music maestro Ariyakudi Ramanujam. Jan.23 concerts

On the eve of 57th Remembrance Day of Carnatic music maestro Ariyakudi Ramanujam, a vocal concert has been organised on  January 23 at 6.15pm  at Ragasudha Hall, Luz,

The artistes –  Sankari Krishnan – vocal;  B Ananthakrishnan- – violin , J Vaidyanathan -mridangam and S Sunilkumar-kanjira

This will be followed by a Bharthanatyam recital by the students of Padmashri KN Dhandayathapani Pillai Natya Kalalayam (teachers – Dr. Chitra Subramani and Dr. Meenakshi Priya Ragavan)

The programme is being conducted in association with Sci Art Services, USA.

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