Justice Sundaram Road in Mylapore is not a road; it is a messy, pot-holed swathe of earth

The civic hell that residents of  area around Justice Sundaram Road in Mylapore have endured for weeks, continues.
And this, some 10 weeks since the civic workers laid their hands and worked their machines here to lay a new SWD drain that would carry rain water from these parts to the Buckingham Canal.
The work on the drain, which also runs through the east side of a messed up Nageswara Rao Park, is almost over.
But the mess the work has created has remained – there is no road here – just a swathe of earth that turns into a muddy mess when it rains.
Says resident, Lakshminarayana V K who shared this photo, “Residents are not able to keep a foot outside because the slush is messy. If the.drain work is pending, the GCC can attend to it but surely GCC can make this road good enough for us to walk safely on it.”
He says GCC can dump lorry loads of debris and even this out so people can walk safely here.
Said another resident, ” I have seen motorists and cyclists trip and collapse here.”