Monsoon 2024: veggies, foodstuff fly off shelves in panic buying

South Mada Street in Mylapore has been witnessing some panic shopping since 4 pm today as word go out about the impending monsoon break out and heavy rains were forecast.

Vegetables flew off the hawker stalls and prices also rose as demand increased though stocks were available as of 7.30 pm.

But at many large stores, save for some onions, all veggies racks were empty.  Store managers said the stocks were packed to meet online delivery needs and very little was left.

The Pazhamudhir store on R K Mutt Road opposite P S School had only onions in the veggies racks; at about 5 p.m.

Padma Raghavan posted to say Aavin stores have run out of milk.

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