Police arrest man who ‘harassed’ couple in car. Looking for second person who stoned the car in Alwarpet

Abiramapuram police have arrested a Mylapore auto driver who ‘misbehaved’ with a couple who were driving through Venkatesa Agraharam last weekend.

The auto driver zig-zagged in front of the car when it was in motion and kept teasing the couple.

The police, using photos that the couple had taken of the auto’s rear side, managed to locate the man when they looked for him in the Saibaba temple zone, though it was found that he was using fake number plates.

However, police are yet to locate a second man who began to trail the couple after the auto driver had gone his way; this man, on a bike, confronted the could after they sought help from police at a junction in Alwarpet; the man flung a stone at the car’s rear windshield and shattered it.

Police say it is not clear if the two men were jointly involved in this anti-social act and are looking at images sourced from CCTVs on C P Ramaswamy Road to try and get leads.

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