Mylapore Times Online Summer Mag: school / college students invited to submit essays, stories, middles and comics

MYLAPORE TIMES invites school and college students to write, sketch and illustrate this summer holidays. 

Contributions are welcome for its annual Online Magazine devoted to contributions from school / college students. ( Open to students Class 5 upwards)

The Mag will publish original creative work – short stories ( max – 200 words), non fiction like travel stories, experience of summer hols, community meet-ups, etc., essays on current themes – on Marina environment / walking paths / market zones: ‘middles’ ( humour located locally!) and poems ( max – 12 lines) and even a comic strip.

Contributors can also add illustrations, photos ( max – 2 pics), doodles to their creative writing.

Mylapore Times does not accept drawing / painting.

This Mag is open for contributions from May 1 to June 1, 2024.

Mail your creative work to – – DO NOT send attachments. The SUBJECT line in your mail must be – SUMMER MAG.