Seniors living in Marina colonies learn some basic asanas. Local councillor pats them.

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Dignity Foundation’s day care members at its centre off Marina Loop Road got the opportunity to practise yoga under teachers this June 21 morning.

The programme was held at Dooming Kuppam Community Hall.

Revathi, councillor for Ward 125, dropped in to watch the elders learn some basic asanas.

Suman Saurabh from Sufal Yog taught a few breathing exercises and yoga asanas specific to the seniors’ age. She also got to know their ailments and suggested a few asanas.

,The seniors who reside in the colonies off the Marina and attend Dignity’s daycare events at Mulima Nagar were enthusiastic to learn asanas that help them bring down their stress and improve their sleep, said a Dignity Foundation staffer.

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