Mylapore Times Charitable Trust (MTCT ) has awarded funding of Rs.2,92,500 to students. Donations welcome. 

Mylapore Times Charitable Trust (MTCT ) has over the past three weeks, awarded funding to the tune of Rs.2,92,500. 

This sum has benefitted 29 students from six local area schools, most of whom have moved on to the Plus Two level and some gained college admissions.

The Trust also paid for two sets of school uniforms to about 90 children at St. Lazarus Middle School, R. A. Puram, a school the Trust has supported for over 20 years.

In the next two weeks, the Trust expects applications from students who need help to get into under-graduate courses.

For this, we need donations from Mylaporeans. You may call Shanthi, manager of Mylapore Times, at 2498 2244 to facilitate your donation. Donations attract IT exemption too. 

These were the donors this past week –

Shanthi Vijayan/ Royapettah –  Rs.50,000; Radha Krishnamoorthy / Mandavelipakkam – Rs.10,000:  Anantha Narayanan Charity / R. A. Puram – Rs.1000: Raji Indrakumar – Rs.2000

You too can refer deserving candidates who have passed Std10 / Plus Two exams and have got admission to the next level. These students must get references from their schools.

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