Have suggestions to better manage juvenile homes? Post them to the one-man committee office in Mylapore

Do you have some firm suggestions on how to better manage juvenile homes and take care of children lodged there?

Then, present your suggestions to a retired judge who has been asked by the state government to study juvenile and short-stay homes and submit in four months, a report on the conditions of ‘homes’ and on ways to set things right.

Justice K. Chandru heads this one-man committee and his office is at 147, Kutchery Road, Mylapore.

You can post your suggestions here or drop them off – the office functions here and the committee head is here on weekdays between 3 and 5 p.m.

The retired judge has been asked to submit a repot on infrastructure, health and medical facilities and aftercare provided at such ‘homes’ where juveniles are housed here for being connected with crimes. In recent months, boys have escaped from one or two ‘homes’ in the state.

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