Sri Madhava Perumal Temple: renovation is on. Western entrance will be reopened; it was shut for years

The western entrance of Sri Madhava Perumal Temple which had remained locked for decades is set to be reopened after the consecration.

This will allow devotees to enter and exit the temple through both the eastern Raja Gopuram and through the western side.

The nandavanam which is on the western side will be spruced up and modified to make way for the devotees to enter from that side.

Following the Balalayam that had taken place here on February 10,  the renovation work has started (

An official from Venu Srinivasan’s Trust ( which is executing this renovation) said that the HR & CE Dept. has asked for the entire repair work to be completed in three months.

He said that the work has been on track and the plan is to finish the entire work by end April. A major part of the work pertains to painting of the Raja Gopuram and the vimanams of each of the sannidhis.

A decision has not yet been taken on the date of the Samprokshanam but an official at the temple said that it was likely that this would take place before the end of Vaikasi.

Rebuilding the Avathara sthalam

In the meanwhile, a sthapathi from the HR & CE Dept. has visited the Pey Azhvaar Avathara sthalam on Arundel Street, which is in a bad state.

It is learned that he has suggested rebuilding the dilapidated mandapam in its traditional form.

A decision on this is likely to be taken after the consecration of the temple.

Mylapore Times had earlier reported on the poor state of the Avathara sthalam (

Report, photos by S Prabhu

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