Ecumenical Palm Sunday procession in San Thome on Sunday. People of three local churches to participate

A ecumenical Palm Sunday procession will take place in San Thome this Sunday morning.

This religious event, part of the Lenten season in the church calendar, is jointly organised by St. Thomas Cathedral Basilica, CSI St. Thomas English Church and CSI St. Thomas Tamil Church.

On Palm Sunday morning, the members of all three churches will assemble at St. Raphael’s Girls School and the priests of the three churches will lead the procession, with people carrying palms.

Members of each church will then disperse into the church they belong to and take part in the religious service.

Rev. M.  Aruralraj, Rev. Paul Sudhakar and Rev. Paul William, priests at the three churches will lead the procession.

Palm Sunday celebrates an event in Jesus’ life, where he was welcomed into Jerusalem: then started events that led to his condemnation and death on a cross. Palm Sunday marks the start of the Holy Week in the church calendar.

A similar Palm Sunday event was held last year. ( Photo seen here was shot at this event)

It is unique in the sense that the community of two different Christian denominations are jointly and symbolically participating in a key religious service, though it lasts for a few minutes.

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