At Thanksgiving Festival of this San Thome church, prayer, food, games and sale

The community of CSI St. Thomas English Church got together for a time of celebration and fellowship at the Annual Thanksgiving Festival on Sunday, September 4.

The day began with a Thanksgiving Service at 7.30 am. This was followed by a sale, inaugurated by well-known artist and writer of San Thome, Manohar Devadoss who has been a member of this parish for more than five decades. 

There were a variety of stalls this year, from ‘Pastor Chef’ – the Presbyter Rev. Paul Sudhakar’s own home-made prawn curry – to Samyuktha Sarah’s ‘Frost Point’ gourmet ice creams and gelatos in many unique flavours. Besides the usual women’s fellowship, hospital ministry and group stalls, many families took the effort to offer their signature delicacies too.

The Leela Joshua Moses family’s breakfast stall had the century-old matriarch’s legendary pork curry and mutton kurma, which was lapped up in a jiffy. The dentist couple, John Nesan Dhyriam and Hannah’s idli with prawn gravy was a big hit.

The Sathyanesans and their daughter Roshni offered Chicken Mayo sandwiches, brownies and iced tea in their beautifully branded ‘Tasty Buds’ stall. Jayanthi’s ‘Sujay Tidbits’ had nuggets, fries, tornado potatoes and popcorn to satisfy everyone’s cravings. Home-made Vivikkam (sweet idlis), cutlets, vadais, rose milk and juices added to the variety on offer.

Beautifully embroidered pillow covers, sheets and napkins were also sold, and there was ‘lucky dip’ too – every child’s favourite. You could also get your picture clicked by professionals at the ‘Sweet Memories’ stall.

Children from the CSI School for the Deaf also enjoyed the sale, thanks to generous sponsors. In the true spirit of thanksgiving, “one of our families gifted coupons worth Rs 150 each to 100 hearing-impaired students, for spending at the sale and another family sponsored 100 biryani tokens and the church gave 30 packets, making the children feel at home,” said Rev. Paul Sudhakar. Students from the baking unit inside the school had produced loaves of tasty bread, that were also sold in the sale.

Games like balloon-shooting and target-shooting were held.

The convenors of the Annual Thanksgiving Festival – Sheba Dhyriam, Kavita Edward, Priya Muller and Wesley Isaac – were appreciated for the excellent planning behind this memorable Sunday.

  • Report, photos by Fabiola Jacob
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