Madras Day 2022: Talks, Walks, Lectures, Quizzes

Here are some Madras Day 2022 events in the Mylapore zone:

(( )) Mylapore Food Walk this Saturday, August 20. Start Location – Indian Bank (N. Mada St. and R K Mutt Road). Start time – 5 p.m. Led by Sridhar Venkataraman. He says – If you land up at 4:30, I can suggest hunting for a couple of bonuses (since stocks can get over!). A tour through the Mylapore bylanes to discover the traditional quick service eateries coexisting alongside the newer ones in an area that represents a historical portion of Madras.

(()) C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation presents a lecture on ‘The Royalty of Madras’ by Venkatesh Ramakrishnan on August 20 at 11 a.m. at the C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation, No. 1, Eldams Road, Alwarpet. This lecture will be about the royalty during the colonial period who lived in Madras and went to other places from Madras.  This will be followed by the inauguration of an exhibition on ‘The Royalty of Madras’ at the C.P. Art Centre. The exhibition will remain open from August 20 to 27 ,from 10.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

(( )) The Madras Sports Quiz hosted by veteran journalist Partab Ramchand is on Aug.21, Sunday, 4 p onwards at The Mylapore Club. Open to all. Focus is on all Madras sports and sportspeople. No pre-registration needed. Prizes for the finalists.

(( )) The Madras Musings Talks has some events in the Mylapore zone. On Aug. 22, 6;30pm, at Ashvita’s Gallery, off Dr R. K. Salai, Prabha Sridevan chats with writer Dilip Kumar on Signboards and Stories. There are talks at Hotel Maris ( Aug.24), at Hanu Reddy Residences ( Aug.25) and at Hotel Savera ( Aug.26), all themes on Madras. Open to all. Start at 6.30 p.m.

(( )) The annual Madras Quiz in Tamil open only to Tamil medium city school students is on Aug.22, 3 pm onwards at Ranade Library, Luz. Quiz hosted by R Revathi. You can coax schools you know to send teams of two ( two teams per school). Register at 24982244.

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