Krishna Jayanthi at Kesava Perumal and Madhava Perumal Temples

The three day Krishna Jayanthi celebrations at the Kesava Perumal temple include Kannan Kaithala Sevai on Sunday (Aug 21), Sesha Vahana procession of Kannan on Monday morning at 7.30am and a chariot procession of Kannan on Tuesday morning at 7.30am.

There will be a Punnai Mara Vahana procession  of Perumal and Kannan.on Tuesday evening at 7pm followed by Uriyadi Utsavam.

Madhava Perumal Temple

At the Madhava Perumal Temple, there will be a procession inside the temple at 6.30pm on Friday and Saturday.

On both these evenings, Prabhandham members will present Periyazhvaar’s favourite verses of praise on Krishna. The three day celebrations will culminate on Sunday evening with the Uriyadi utsavam.


  • Report by S Prabhu
  • Photo used is from the files and for symbolic representation.


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