Stories, music, poems and comedy. On CIT Colony terrace today. House of T celebrates 4th anniv

House of T, a CIT  Colony based creative entertainment host and curator is marking its 4th anniversary with what its promoter Thomas Davis is calls ‘a collaborative showcase that will have most of the production houses in Chennai and Pondicherry all under one sky.’

On July 17, Sunday, 6.30 pm onwards. In the open air, on a terrace of an apartment. This is a ticketed show.

This show presents an opportunity to hear from the artistes who are behind the scenes of production houses who curate all kinds of shows in the city and outside. Stories, music, poems and comedy.

The line up is this –

Music & Comedy : On That Note, Aragora Comedy and Tanglish Comedy

Poetry & Storytelling: Mockingbirds and Project Prodets, Deleted Drafts,

Kizhinja Kaagitham and An Unexplored Mic

All Art Forms : Mahad Productions, High on Art, The Artists’ Block , Uncalled Knacks, Thiruvizha Chennai , Music and Mayhem, Lets Talk Chennai and House of T

A platform that started in July 2018 with the aim to promote and help grassroot level artistes to experiment and work on their art forms in a safe space, is what Davis says his venture has been.

Venue: House of T Date: July 17th Sunday | Gates open at 5:30 PM

Ticket link:

Thomas Davis is at 9952944977

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