Sirina Home Healthcare is ‘integrated elderly care service provider’. One centre is in R. A. Puram.

Saroja Sankaran, a 80-year-old woman was severely affected by COVID-19 and was on oxygen support during her hospitalisation with very slim chances of survival. She was discharged from a hospital in Krishnagiri, two weeks after admission – with oxygen requirement of 2 litres and still on the bed unable to walk.

Her family who were living outside the state looked around for an assisted living facility and this is where Sirina Home Healthcare based in Chennai stepped in.

This facility in Chennai is an integrated elderly care service provider that aims at providing expert care and support for senior citizens to help them heal better and faster. It now runs three such centres in the city with one located in the Durgabhai Deshmukh Hospital campus in R. A. Puram. 

Talking about Saroja who was admitted at Sirina sometime ago, Nalini Aravindan, managing director of Sirina Home Health Care says, “Saroja came to our facility at an end stage of her life but we rolled up our sleeves and gave the best care and support by regularly monitoring her health, giving timely medication, physiotherapy, group therapy sessions and personal care.”

“Gradually, she was weaned off the oxygen support and she was given therapies to improve her breathing. Physiotherapy sessions helped in improving her mobility. After a few months of care and rehab she is now able to walk and eat by herself and is on the road to complete recovery.”

Nalini says the Sirina centre acts ‘as a healthcare provider with an ‘at home’ and ‘secure’ feeling, with  staff nurse and professionals who are always with the individual providing personal care, health monitoring and rehabilitation. We also provide group therapies, where they get to socialise with other members in the home, thus omitting the feeling of loneliness.’

A note from Sirina says that the facility acts as a bridge to recovery for someone who does not need hospitalisation, yet the patient is one step behind going home.

Says Nalini, “For many ill people, their sons or daughters staying abroad may not be able to make regular visits for various reasons.With our team of nurses and physicians we instill the confidence in families that their elders will have a complete recovery under holistic care.”

The home healthcare staff  at Sirina is equipped to handle elders from serious ailments to post-operative situations to mobility/functionality challenged cases.

The facility also offers home visits, ambulance services and full-time care takers who can help the elders recover at the comfort of their home.

Besides one centre in R. A. Puram, there are two others – in CIT Nagar and in T. Nagar. The main office of Sirina is in Luz Church Road.

Contact : +91 90258 87777

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