Artistes Thiruvarur Bhaktavatsalam and Nartaki Nataraj chosen for The Music Academy awards

Mridangam vidwan Thiruvarur Bhaktavatsalam and Bharatanatyam artiste Narthaki Nataraj have been chosen for the annual awards of The Music Academy, considered to be prestigious ones in the classical arts world. They are among many other artistes who will also be honoured by the Academy.

These awards are given during the Academy’s annual academic and concerts festival held in December during the famed December season in the city.


While Bhaktavatsalam has been chosen for the year 2021, Narthaki gets it for 2022.

The Academy had to skip the festivals and awards events in 2020 and 2022 due to the pandemic and is scheduled to hold the 2022 edition in December.

These two artistes reside in Mylapore and also teach their art here.

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