Volunteers clear vegetation inside tank of Sri Kapali Temple. Second time.

A big group of volunteers, the Sivanadiyargals who lend a hand in all the socio-religious activities at Sivan temples got to work last weekend inside the tank of Sri Kapali Temple.T

This after word went out that although the same volunteers had cleared the tank of vegetation many weeks ago, the recent rains had only aided wild growth that stood tall all across the tank.

This growth would suck up the water much later after the monsoon and was needed to be cleared.

The volunteers spread themselves to all corners of the tank, focussing on the south side where the growth was heavy.

IIT-Madras is said to have submitted a study done on water retention in this tank but the results are not yet known.

It is obvious though that the water collecting here gets sucked up by hundreds of private  borewells in this region.


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