Carnatic music courses by Narada Gana Sabha: apply now

Swami Haridhos Giri School of Music is run by Narada Gana Sabha Trust, Alwarpet.

Applications are invited from students (Chennai residents only) of Carnatic music for Intermediate and advanced course of 3 years in Carnatic vocal music.

Students successfully completing the three years course will be eligible to join M.A.(Music) course of the Madras University.  Classes start on 14.10.2021 (Vijaya Dasami Day). In-person classes only are conducted in the evenings at the Sabha premises.

Applicants must be between the age of 12 and 35 years.  Applicants should know minimum 5 varnams. 

Applications available at Sabha office or e-mail request may be sent to Contact Sabha office on 044-24993201 (10am to 5pm) for further details.

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