At Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal Temple two special events

After a week long grand celebration of the Pavitrotsavam that culminated on Sunday (Sept 26), the Vedantha Desikar Srinivasa Perumal Temple  will see further devotional fervour with Navarathri  Utsavam and Vedantha Desikar Avathara Utsavam starting soon.
The twin celebration includes Perumal, Thayar and Desikar Pathi Ulaathal procession every evening at 6.30pm  followed by Vahana procession  of Vedantha Desikar at 8pm as part of the Vaishnavite Acharya’s 10 day birthday celebration.
There will also be procession every morning of Vedantha Desikar followed by Thirumanjanam of Perumal, Thayar and Desikar.
All processions will be held inside the temple as per the current pandemic-time restrictions. Also, devotees will not be allowed inside the temple Friday – Sunday during  the Utsavam.
The 10-day Desikar utsavam starts on Wednesday (Oct 6), while the Navarathri Utsavam starts the next day  on October 7. Vedantha Desikar’s birthday falls on Friday, October 15.
Report by S. Prabhu
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