This Inner Wheel Club held health screening camp at Home for disadvantaged kids in R. A. Puram

Chennapuri Annadana Samajam is an orphanage home and has been engaged for more than a century in feeding, clothing, and housing poor, orphaned children. At R A Puram, this trust runs the P. V. Rao School which provides education and food to several children.

They also have a hostel which houses about 200 children who are supported by sponsorship received by the trust.

Inner Wheel Club of Madras Central conducted a health camp at this Home on Sept.16.

At this camp, there was a dental checkup, vision test and blood grouping of 167 children in the school. The club will be helping children who require vision correction and those who need further support to take care of their dental issues by sponsoring their treatment.

For those children requiring corrective glasses, this need will be fulfilled by Inner Wheel Club of Madras Central. Similarly, dental issues faced by the children will be taken care by the club.

The Club was supported in these efforts by Radhatri Nethralaya (for the vision camp) and Mahesh Dental Care (for the dental camp). Blood grouping was done by Gopi Labs. The children were also provided breakfast, snacks and lunch.

Anitha Balachander is president of Inner Wheel Club of Madras Central. Contact 9841460080

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