As Marina comes alive, paid parking on service road poses challenges

Weekday evenings at the Marina are slowly getting packed though not crowded.

On Tuesday, Sept. 14 evening, the beach got into a life that it lived in pre-pandemic days. Half the number of food hawker stalls were open, cars were seeking places to park and the line of two-wheelers on the service road was a long one.

Chennai Corporation has put in place a paid parking system here but it needs fine tuning, say motorists.

For the parking-lot attendants, charging every biker and car driver is a tough job when they do so at the lots.

It is easy to go after the cars as they come into the parking lots but not so with bikers who park on the sand side. “There are lots of them who come and go and whiz and we find it hard to charge all of them,” said a staffer here even as a woman supervisor asked him to go after a tourist van.

Some beach users suggest a smarter and easy- to-manage system is needed here, now that even managing weekday flow poses hiccups. Perhaps, a system that malls employ in their parking lots.

There are other challenges in the parking lots – working after dusk when parking lots are not fully lit up and handling a massive inflow on weekends

  • File photo used here. Does not reflect current status at this spot.



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