Two churches advance important services due to new pandemic-time rules

Two churches in this area are advancing major religious services that were scheduled for the weekend of August 15 because the new pandemic time regulations now direct places of prayer to be shut to the public on three days of the weekend.

At the San Thome Cathedral, the annual Holy Communion service which was not held last year and was planned for August 15 will now be held on two evenings at Holy Mass this week. Some 100 children are to receive communion.

At Our Lady of Guidance Church in R A Puram, the annual feast of Mother Mary, which was shortened to just three days on the weekend is now being celebrated during the week and on a low profile.

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2 Comments on “Two churches advance important services due to new pandemic-time rules”

  1. Is preponing a right word?

    Its a word coined by some Indians to sound opposite of postponing.

    The right word though is to advance !!

    This was said by a British connection in a social media group,am a member of.

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