Though Marina was very crowded on Sunday, families found quiet spaces to enjoy the evening

Ever since the Marina beach was completely opened to the public last week, hundreds of people have been here, enjoying the sands, the waterfront, the picnic.

And for children, restrained at home and away from school for months, the trip to the Marina, as this photo shows, has been sheer fun and joy.

This Sunday, it was crowded. But the crowds were at the waterfront.

Families who has brought their children to the beach found safe and quiet spaces just off the service road and had their picnic fun too – kids making sand castles, some at play and some creating their own amusement.

The beach section south of the Light House is less crowded though the fish hawkers dominate one end and that part is smelly. Yet, those who want to take a short walk to the waters do so here.

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