Tribute: Hannah Charles, P. S. Senior’s popular biology teacher

Hannah Charles, former vice principal and head of the department of biology at P. S. Sr Sec School in Mylapore passed away in Mumbai on June 13.
She was 79.
She was one of the pioneer teachers of P. S. Senior, belonging to the first set of teachers who joined the school in 1976.
She was a much loved teacher, known for her calm demeanour, a teacher the students trusted. Her presence in the biology lab, patiently looking over the dissection samples with a gentle and encouraging smile helped assuage the nerves of many an anxious student.
She guided many students to score centums in biology, consistently over many years.
She imparted her love for biology to her students and many of them attribute their admission to medical college to her.
She also set papers for national CBSE exams.
Hannah is remembered as a very generous and magnanimous person, in lending help and also supporting funds for education to the underprivileged students.
Some senior alumni of the school recalled that they had to get her permission for taking a half day off and she could make out with just a simple glance if the reason was genuine or not.
Hannah Charles is survived by her children Samuel (Mumbai), Jennifer (Chennai), and Vijay ( USA) who were her students and P.  S. Senior alumni as well.
The alumni plans to conduct a memorial service at the school premises once the prevailing pandemic situation improves.
Tributes can be sent to, or 90031 23031 or
– Report by Srivatsan Parthasarathy #PS93
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4 Comments on “Tribute: Hannah Charles, P. S. Senior’s popular biology teacher”

  1. Mrs. Hanna Charles was a very good Teacher. She uses to be so calm and her way of approach made me like the subject Biology. I always saw her more than a Teacher. She was filled with grace and her speech used to be so peaceful. I didn’t see such noble attitude in any human being thereafter and until today. She will continue to live in my heart until my end of days. She is truly a blessed soul and I am blessed to have had such a wonderful Teacher. May her wonderful soul rest in peace.

  2. Very happy to read the note on
    Mrs Hannah Charles.Invariably
    before leaving the school we used to meet in her room & travel back together in auto myself,Hindi teacher Vasantha& Hannah.Nice memories to recollect.May her soul RIP

  3. Mrs. Hannah Charles was a very good teacher and a very fine person. She was loved by all her students and was always with a pleasant smile. Rest in peace mam.

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