This bank branch had to shut down on virus breakout. Now, it is strict on protocols.

When City Union Bank on East Mada Street, Mylapore had to close down for a day recently after a staffer was tested positive, it was the second time it did so at the pandemic time – it shut shop last year as the virus peaked. But shut only for a day, we are told.

Now, manager Narayanan and his team are making sure all protocols are followed strictly. “We ask customers who wear kerchiefs to come in next time with masks,” the manager said this morning.

Also, all chairs at desks here have been removed, the cashiers wear gloves and the guard at the gate asks all people to put on masks before stepping in.

But there are challenges – seniors dropping in often to update passbooks, followup on deposits and withdraw money.

“Though all these services can be done online and at the ATM, seniors are keen to visit us and we cannot ask them not to come here,” says Narayanan.

(( )) SHARE YOUR BANK EXPERIENCE ; are protocols followed at your local bank? 

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