Vidya Mandir student donates hair for a cause

Diyaa Sree is feeling very good about herself. This Valentine’s Day, the teenager donated 12” of her hair to an NGO which helps people fighting cancer.

Her mother Sarala Srinibash spoke to us. “I came across many adverts from an NGO called Hair for Hope India on my social media feeds. Coincidentally, my daughter had also seen the advert and she was very taken with the idea.’

This was in early 2020.

For one year, Diyaa Sree grew her hair and maintained it diligently – the NGO had specific instructions about the length and quality of hair to be donated.

Then on Feb.14 2021, the mother-daughter duo visited a beauty parlour and got the hair cut and packed it according to the specifications and sent it off to the NGO.

Needless to say, both are feeling very happy about the whole process. “We are so happy that we could do something for people suffering from cancer, even if at a very small level,” they say.

Diyaa Sree is a student of class 8 at Vidya Mandir. The family are residents of Kutchery Road, Mylapore.

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