Schools welcome senior students, re-opening after long break due to pandemic

Streets and road leading to local area schools carried a buzz not heard for many months this Tuesday morning ( January 19).

For it was a morning of an unusual re-opening in school campuses – opening for classes after the long break due to the Corona pandemic.

Be it in Mylapore or in San Thome or in R. A. Puram, since 8 a.m. we saw girls and boys, all in school uniforms walking or cycling to their schools or being dropped at the gates by parents.

At the main gates, school staff checked body temperatures and at some, handed masks to students who had forgotten to wear them.

At St. Raphael’s School in San Thome girls helped each other wear their masks properly before lining up for a special assembly session.

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2 Comments on “Schools welcome senior students, re-opening after long break due to pandemic”

  1. I am really terrified to see kids with mask because wearing a mask for longer window would spoil their respiratory system. We should continue our online classes until we comes up solid mitigation and remediation. Thanks !

  2. From the photo published in Mylapore Times those running these education institutions are ignorant about social distancing, there by endangering the students who may be affected by Covi19. Hope government authorities take necesary action to safeguard the students. Sad

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