Cyclonic weather: Mylapore wakes up thankful that damage caused by Nivar has been limited

Mylapore woke up to a morning that may want to be thankful about – cyclone Nivar, which made landfall past midnight north of Puducherry but caused strong winds across the city fo Chennai had not caused great damage.

Yes, in many streets the litter of leaves, branches and uprooted plants and shrubs created a carpet of waste. But only a few trees were uprooted here and there.

Many people said that power supply was maintained all through the past hours. In some places, the power was switched off close to midnight when the wave of winds grew strong.

In some areas, residents have reported that their broadband connection has failed.Others were thankful that Aavin managed to maintain the daily supply of milk.

However, at around 8a.m. as we did the rounds of Luz and around, we noticed that save for a few teashops no other stores had opened yet.

While there seems to be a lull in the cyclonic conditions, it is advisable not to be outside unless it is very important to do errands because trees or hoardings or other structures that have got a beating through the night could collapse.

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