Shoppers crowd Marina fish-hawking market to buy seafood before lockdown sets in

People who cannot do without seafood now and then on their table cannot resist the temptation of driving down to the open-air, fish hawking market off the Marina.

And so, on Saturday evening, July 18 there were hordes of people, man and women, almost all wearing masks but some without crowding at each of the some 50 to 60 hawker stalls on the Loop Road.

The crowding was due to the lockdown on Sunday. The market will remain closed.

Also, the big boats have started going deep into the sea to fish and the catch is large and much of the variety of fish which big-time wholesalers wave away is bought by city retailers and transported across the city.

Fisher folks off the Marina are small in number so the women hawkers sell fish from Kasimedu harbour and the locally caught.

Local police have tried to regulate shoppers here but it has been a frustrating experience for the uniformed from Pattinapakkam police station.

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One Comment on “Shoppers crowd Marina fish-hawking market to buy seafood before lockdown sets in”

  1. Firstly these fish loving people should understand what they are paying for. Fish? Ill health? or a emergence of fresh virus?

    They do not relate the facts of the onset of Corona Virus. It started in a wet meat market in Wuhan from a woman selling shrimps!

    Wet meat market is a place where raw freshly slaughtered animals and fish are sold in closely packed spaces, with no care for hygiene or cleanliness.

    This is a wet market as well.

    With the Corona virus still lurking to jump on the vulnerable ,here is a big space for it!

    Another information is that in Japan and other countries, both Asian and western , there is a fear of buying meat and people are now favoring plant based meats , which simply have no animal content. Demand for Jackfruit, dubbed as the vegetarian meat is growing in US and other western nations!

    In US , Canada, UK , EU , Japan , Thailand and Singapore people are adopting no meat foods and sales of meat and fish is declining!

    So what is urge? what is self control? what is informed choice for better illness free life?

    Guess these people have written their wills, stopped medicines and ready to go away from earth soon!

    Sorry but are they not fools?

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