Chennai Corporation starts ‘virus containment’ campaign in San Thome: part of new strategy where cases were located

A big group of civic workers started what are called by the state ‘ virus containment’ campaigns at San Thome on Sunday. This campaign is locally focussed in San Thome and will be on for 21 days, as announced by the Tamil Nadu government.

This is being carried out after a person tested positive for COVID-19 in an apartment off San Thome High Road on March 28.

Chennai Corporation’s Zonal Health Officer (Zone 9) told Mylapore Times on Sunday evening, “The person had a travel history to New Zealand. He admitted himself to a private hospital immediately after he started noticing the virus symptoms.”

The officer says that a containment zone will be created around 5 km radius around the house of this patient. An additional buffer zone with a 3 km radius will be demarcated. Both these zones will be isolated and monitored by civic workers regularly.

She says that civic workers will visit all the houses falling in these zones and check the residents for virus symptoms (fever, cough, cold and soar throat).

Disinfection will be carried out in 38 streets that fall in these zones. Workers wearing masks and gloves will manually use Lyzol power spray and bleaching powder to disinfect the areas. Two drones and a tractor will be used to disinfect narrow streets.

The officer says that a list will be created to monitor high-risk groups like pregnant women, seniors, and those with chronic ailments and immune deficiency.

Those with cough, fever and breathing difficulties will be taken to the hospital for treatment. The survey and disinfection will be carried out from morning to evening daily.

According to guidelines issued by the government, all vehicular movement,  public and personnel movement will be restricted during the containment in this area.

Photo here is a file photo of recent event

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3 Comments on “Chennai Corporation starts ‘virus containment’ campaign in San Thome: part of new strategy where cases were located”

  1. Please specify exactly the location from where to where 5kms radius so that we can be more cautious.
    Appreciate your reply

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