Giri launches YouTube channel to promote young artistes

In December 2018, Giri Fine Arts inaugurated its own hall to promote young and talented music artistes.

To further its cause, Giri’s Lakshmi Giri Charitable Trust has launched a YouTube channel.

Says Abhishek Prakash, head of content and new media, Giri, “We have launched a YouTube channel exclusively to promote artistes in Indian dance and music.”

The channel for dance is called ‘Tide’ (The Indian Dance Experience) and that of music is called ‘Time’ (The Indian Music Experience)

The team invites talented young artists from across the world to send their dance/music videos (10 mins duration).

Artistes will be shortlisted based on their performance in the video. Later, their videos will be published on the YouTube Channel.

“This year we conducted an online contest and shortlisted over 25 artistes. In addition to featuring them on our channel, they will also be performing at the annual festival in our hall,” says Abhishek.

Says Sushama Ranganathan who is on Giri’s  working committee and is a senior Bharatanatyam dancer, “Our venture is also a way to encourage budding artistes.”

Artistes who wish to be featured in their YouTube Channel may email to

The annual Giri Fine Arts Festival started on Dec 1. It features over 100 concerts, mostly of the young artistes. Concerts are held in the evenings and will be on till 12 January, 2020. At Lakshmi Giri Convention Hall, located in the basement of the Giri Trading Agency in North Mada Street, Mylapore.

  • Photo here is of a performance that featured Bhavan Sekar and team.
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