Civic work on Dr. Ranga Road: tough job to remove silt from buried chambers

For the past few days, contract workers of Chennai Corporation are desilting the storm water drains (SWD) in Mylapore.

At Dr. Ranga Road, at least four chambers of the SWD are seen buried inside the walkways in front of the shops here.

T.Iniyan, Corporation’s assistant executive engineer, who was there at the site, said, “Due to the construction of the platform over the door (opening) of these chambers, they got buried. As a result they are filled with mud and other waste. We will remove them to ensure smooth flow of rainwater,” he says.

Now, the workers are removing loads of mud, construction debris and dirt water from these chambers after demolishing part of the platform.

The demolished pavement, the workers say will be relaid after they finish de-silting.

Meanwhile, to ensure access to their shops, the shop owners have put temporary structures across the demolished area.

The civic body has also started carting away the silt that the workers were storing in bags.

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One Comment on “Civic work on Dr. Ranga Road: tough job to remove silt from buried chambers”

  1. Hope in future such drains have manholes facilitating easy access for maintaining. May be this is a lesson Authorities learn for future implementation

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