‘Kathadi’ Ramamurthy and troupe get a full house at drama fest

MT KATHADI 3Narada Gana Sabha in Alwarpet continues to be packed – even on a weekday like this Monday evening – as rasikas filed in to catch the plays of the Kodai Nataka Vizha of Kartik Fine Arts that is on here now.

On Monday evening, the auditorium was full before the first bell was rung a minute before 7 p.m. This was an evening for a play by the group of veteran artiste Kathadi Ramamurthy. ‘Neeya Naana’ had a simple theme that dominates many middle-class homes – the undercurrents of a joint or singular family.

Though the play played on many cliche situations, it ribs and tickles the audience as it takes off on everyday situations that people can identify with and the clean, simple humor won for it many rounds of applause.

Rarely does one witness the Mylapore rasika sitting in a hall for a concert or a play beyond 8.28 p.m. But on Monday, the packed house sat till the end – 9.01 p.m. There was a traffic jam on TTK Road as the crowd spilled out and did all to get home quickly.

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