Display of flower decoration skills at Sri Kapali Temple

MT POO PALAKKUThe grand poo-pallakku procession at Sri Kapali Temple in Mylapore held on Monday evening carried Lord Muruga and his consorts in the procession. It also signalled the end of the Vasantha Utsavam festival.

This was an occasion for artisans to showcase floral decoration ; since the morning workers gave life to the palakku with a huge variety of flowers of the season. And when the work was done and the palanquin was taken out through the mada veedhis, the decor of flowers was on display on all sides of the chariot – it had various designs like men, birds and flowers.

45 people were called to lift the huge pallakku.  Over 500 devotees attended the function. There were 3 bands in the procession. The first one included drums and trumpet and it played inside the temple. The second one included drums and melam and it played along with the pallakku. And the last band included nagaswaram and melam.

For more information call 24611356.

Report – G. Vagadeeshwar/ Trainee Reporter. Photo; Madan/MT

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