Dance school is 10

Kala ranga dance school pic one

Sri Kala Ranga School of Dance at Alwarpet, run by Dr. Srithika Kasturirangan, celebrated its 10th anniversary on Nov 23 at M. Ct. M. School, Mylapore. ‘Krsna’ – their annual production portraying the three different aspects of Lord Krishna – as a child, boy and as the Swayam Bhagavan was staged by the students of the school. Dancer Bragha Bessel was the chief guest.

The event first started off with students dancing to popular songs such as Swagatham Krishna and Vishamakaara Kannan. Later the story of how Krishna marries Rukmini was presented. This was followed by a kolattam of Radha and Krishna to signify ‘Suddha Bhakthi’. The event finally ended with students portraying the conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna in the form of the Bhagavad Gita and Lord Krishna’s Viswaroopa Darshanam in response to Arjuna’s queries.


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