Seminar on theology of culture at R. A. Puram

The Indian Theological Association (ITA) is organising its annual meeting and seminar on “Call for a new theology of culture – revisiting the mission praxes and paradigms” from Oct 23 – 27. The inaugural address will be given by Rev. Dr. George Anthonysamy, archbishop, Chennai on Oct 23. The chief guest is Dr. Anthony Kalliath, president of ITA. Several papers will be presented over a period of four days including a presentation on “Cultural discourses in the contemporary post – modern world”, by Prof. A. Max, “Interplay between culture and religion”, by Vincent Kundukulam and “The biblical revolution, a cultural discourse”, by Joy Kakkanattu. At Dhyana Ashram, Matha Church Road, R. A. Puram. Ph: 9444333027.

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