Pre-monsoon showers dampen Deepavali shopping

Pre-monsoon rain which started to shower the city and the Mylapore neighborhood since Friday noontime has continued through the day and into the night leaving inner streets with stagnant water.

It has been drizzling off and on this past week but on Friday, the skies were overcast and it began to rain by noontime.

This is not good news for shop owners for, Deepavali is just days away and at least in Mylapore the festival shopping buzz has not been seen yet. Even the festival illumination and promos have been muted here and save for shoppers crowding the stores in Luz Circle, the brand stores have not seen any appreciable traffic.

One shop manager in Luz says there will be a rush on the weekend but if the rains continue then many shoppers may stay put.

Mylapore is not a huge shopping zone as far as clothes and lifestyle stuff is concerned. Many shoppers tend to head to CitiCentre shopping mall at the Marina end of Dr Radhakrishnan Salai – here, the brand stores and deals offer variety to any shopper.

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