Donations accepted at men’s home

The Open Shelter for Homeless Men with Psycho-Social Disabilities is a home for mentally ill men from the ages of 18 to 50 years. The 35 men who reside here are in need of towels, veshtis, lungis, shirts and chappals (sizes 8/9). If you are looking to donate meals or ‘annadanam’, they also accept the same. At 7, Dooming Street, San Thome. For details contact the shelter coordinator – Hari at 9840964352, 9677034005.

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One Comment on “Donations accepted at men’s home”

  1. Thank you Sumita for the information ..we four people planned a visit today to the shelter , took Vada pav and cup cakes for all of them .
    Good to see such happy faces .

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