Vruksha’s Open Day is stage for kids to showcase what they have learnt

Vruksha held its “Open Day” on Saturday November 9, 2013.  It was inaugurated by Sanjay Pinto, writer, advocate, columnist, former NDTV resident editor.

Children from classes 1 to 4 presented the activities they have learnt, to their parents and wellwishers. They follow the Montessori method and the presentations were given accordingly. All subject areas were handled and explained with clarity. 

“Alpha and Beta” explored the story of writing in depth. Various presentations too were handled in English, Hindi and Tamil.

“Numero Uno” showed how math can be fun. Prime Numbers, equivalency and many other concepts were explained using Montessori material.

Formation of the earth, the continents, the ocean, etc were well depicted in “Wide Wide World.com”

“Wonderland” traced the story of bacteria from how life started to the animal kingdom classification. The children lucidly presented both plant and animal life.

It was a pleasant journey “Down Memory Lane”  – learning all concepts about Time – AD, BC, Calendar and time using longitudes to name a few.

Children of 5, 6, and 7 excelled themselves this year. Their theme “Then & Now……(a journey depicting the  past 100 years) “ gave them ample scope to research, prepare and present facts and figures with élan.

“Governance” in India was well projected. The live depiction of “Parliament Session” and “Village Panchayat” stole the show.

The “World of Women” was a grand presentation. The ‘gallery of Women achievers from various walks of life’ served as role models for all are youngsters today and was the highlight of this section.

“Open Day” is held every year and it gives the children the scope and opportunity to expand their horizon beyond academia, boosts their confidence and helps understand their potential, say Vruksha’s promoters.


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