Concerts will kick off pre-centenary celebrations of Queen Mary’s College

The famed Queen Marys’ College, Mylapore will be completing 100 years
by July 2014.  The members of Old Students’ Association (OSA),
have planned a series of cultural events in connection with the
centenary celebrations.

The inaugural cultural event is to take place on 23.11.2013.

The programme will be a classical Carnatic music concert by Dr. Subha
Ganesan (OSA) followed by bhajans by R. Lakshmi Priya, daughter of Dr.
Hemalatha (OSA) and a senior musician.

The programme will start at 5.30 p.m. 0n Saturday, 23.11.13 at the Assembly Hall QMC.

Rs.500 as donor pass is being charged and a High Tea has been arranged.

The contact phone numbers are 044 28445910 and 044 28444995, the Secretary, OSA QMC..

The passes can also be purchased at the venue on the day of the programme.

– Reported by V.Vasantha / OSA, QMC, Member, Media Committee.
Cell: 99401 40302

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One Comment on “Concerts will kick off pre-centenary celebrations of Queen Mary’s College”

  1. Glad to hear and see the centebary celebrations of my Alma mataR I passed out of QMC in 1965 , and we had a aluminium association in Mumbai, .
    I did my B A geaography , when Dr. Irrawaddy was the principal . I delighted hear from friends about the celebrations.
    Kindly enrol my name and let me know if any membership is to be paid.
    We live in Mumbai .my contact no 09820941955.

    ssed out of

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