Chess Composer becomes FIDE Master

chessAt the 56th World Congress of Chess Composition held at Bhatumi, Georgia during the last week of September, C.G.S Narayanan, an international chess composer, was awarded the title of FIDE Master for chess composition.

Now, this Mylapore resident is busy at the World Chess Championship between Anand and Carlsen that is on in this city – organizing chess problem solving contests on all match days

Narayanan has won the Brian Harley Award four times. This award is presented by the British Chess Problem Society for the best chess problem composed by a subject of British Commonwealth.

Narayanan, aged 66 years, was first introduced to chess problem solving in 1968. His first book “Chess Problem–Introduction to an art” by Lipton Matthews and Rice laid the foundation for almost four decades of composing. He retired as a welfare officer from the office of the Accountant General (A&E) in March 2007.He says that composing is a work of art and is an out of the box strategy for creating artistic positions using chess pieces. They are based on intense thematic content.

He wrote special articles on problem solving for “The Hindu” for almost twenty years till 2001 and now writes for the “Sportstar”. He is also the editor of AICF Chronicle – the official magazine of the All India Chess Federation.

His other interests include table tennis and singing. He has represented his department at several tournaments and has been the south zone table tennis champion for eleven years. He is also a member of a troupe called “Raagdeep”, which performs light music concerts, for 30 years. He has given more than thousand performances as a part of this troupe.

He can be reached at 9841527032. Email:

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