Young IT professional found dead in his Mylapore residence

Mylapore police is investigating a case of suicide committed by a young software engineer at his Mylapore residence on Sunday.

The man was found dead in his bedroom by his wife when she woke up that morning. She had slept in another room. They lived in Appu Street, Mylapore.

Police say that the young couple, both IT professionals working in a company in Alwarpet had a tiff the previous night over the issue of her posting their photos on a social media site.

It is said the couple’s marriage did not go well with the man’s family and they felt that publicising themselves as a couple would affect the parents’ plan to get him married elsewhere.

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One Comment on “Young IT professional found dead in his Mylapore residence”

  1. Please do not take Mylapore Times to a lower lever by publishing this type of news. No one is interested in anyone’s private life and the resultant tiffs and deaths. Mylapore Times is known for publishing useful information. Keep up the good work, please. I hope you will publish this comment!

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