Fire Services hold talk, demo on school campus on fire fighting skills

 fireOn the eve of Deepavali, TN Fire Services organised and talk and demo on the campus of Lady Sivaswamo Aiyyar Girls School in Mylapore.

Tips on how to avoid fire accidents and skills needed to tackle small fires at home or on campus were shared by the Fire Services team.

Some girls were also invited to dirty their hands in putting out a mock fire.

The Fire Services conducts these drills in call campuses to spread awareness and share tips.

Many people were present at this event.

They were – Meenakshi Vijayasekar, Deputy Director, Fire & Rescue Department, Prof Dr. K Mathangi Ramakrishnan, Chairperson, Childs Trust Medical  Research Foundations, G.P. Thirumurugan, Hon. Secretary, RLT Foundations, Vatsala Narayanasamy, Joint Secretary, National Boys’ & Girls’  Education Society, Leela Narendran, Secretary, Lady Sivaswami Ayyar Girls’ HSS, Dr Prema Kasturi,  Secretary Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya Senior Secondary School Rubi Puthotta, Headmistress, Lady Sivaswami Ayyar Girls’ HSS and M S Jayashree, Principal in-charge, Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya Senior  Secondary School

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