Pat on the back for two police constables

Mylaporean Victory Shankar has expressed his appreciation for “the good service” rendered by constables Vinayakam and Vijayakumar attached to E 1 police station, Mylapore.

Shankar says that last Monday at around 4.30 pm, his daughter had parked her two wheeler on the road in front of their house on Singari Street and left the key on the vehicle itself.

During the course of patroling, policemen Vinayakam and Vijayakumar, noticed the key hanging in the vehicle.

“They enquired with the neighbours and found out it was my daughter`s and handed it over to her with a peice of advice to be more careful in future, as most of the thefts happened due to carelessness, ” says Shankar in an e-mail.

Shankar says he is very thankful to the policemen for their good service. “They have done the Mylapore police station proud by their act, ” he states.

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