Beachside from Light House to Foreshore Estate to be improved

The beach front from the Light House end to Foreshore Estate is in for a change. The road that runs off from the main Kamaraj Salai and behind the dwellings in the kuppams, the pavement and the area around it is to be redesigned and renovated.

This is part of the beautification of the Marina on this end of the beach.

Now, the civic body has said that it will also erect tall light masts with one at Nochikuppam and one at Foreshore Estate. This is being done to improve lighting of the beach and discourage petty crimes.

The project will have to deal with some issues – a part of this road turns into a fish market daily. Also, lots of people who live in huts built alongside the newly built tenements yet to be allotted use the road as their front yard and private buses use the Foreshore Estate end as parking lots.

The major issue that the civic body is struggling to address is removal of all hawker shops, a few hundred on the beach sands and water front and alloting spaces for longtime hawkers on the beachside.


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