Celebrating Ugadi in Mylapore

suriyakala & s.srivastavu (son) at t.s.v.koil st -ugadhi celebratesUgadi is being celebrated by families in this neighbourhood though it it muted.

Pradeep Kumar’s family on Luz Church Road did a puja at home for Ugadi on Thursday morning, offering payasam to the Lord in the puja room. This family of 4 people the got down to cook a special lunch ( second photo).

Suryakala and her son S Srivastavu are seen in the puja room, displaying a kolam and offerings of payasam, poli betel leaves and pradeepkumar family at luz church rd-ugadhi celebratesfruits at their home in TSV Koil Street, Mylapore. They were joined by Suryakala’s mother, her briother C. Jayachandran Babu and his wife, Gowri and relatives.

They were also due to have a special lunch.

(first photo)


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