Simple ways to start organic terrace garden; workshop held in Alwarpet bistro

asvita-2Sruti Hari, Ashvin Rajagopalan and Vaani Anand made the Sunday afternoon of about 50 people a well spent one by getting them to attend a workshop on Feb.17 on developing organic terrace gardens.

Held at Ashvita Bistro  No. 11 Bawa Road, Alwarpet it had Harish, a seasoned  horticulturist who spoke a bit, shared tips and demonstrated on the spot,

Harish stressed on the use of Panchagavya and compost. Panchagavya contains ghee, milk, curd, cow dung and cow’s urine.  The benefits of it were explained.  This organic product has the potential to play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plant system.  It betters the shelf life of the fruits or veggies.

For soil application, dilute 100ml in 10 litres of water. Once in 15 days, it can be used for all plants

Harish also spoke about Compost, which is the key ingredient in organic farming. Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed as a fertilizer.  It could be made out of any organic waste matter, leaves, green  food waste, worms etc. The composting process is dependant on micro-organisms, which helps to break down matter into compost, which requires a proper mixture of water, carbon and nitrogen for the process.

He also shared info on Vermicompost – an organic manure that is odourless, clean, eco friendly and non toxic. Guests very taken to the roof top where they could take a look at all the organically grown plants.

For any further information or query, Harish could be contacted at

Also join the group called Grow Your Own Veggies on Facebook.

Report by Munira Daniel Khasamwala


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