P. S. School 1967 batch reunion

1967 batchmates of PS Sec.School MylaporeThe 11 std, 1967 batch of P. S. Secondary School (now P. S. High School – North) had their reunion at New Woodland, Mylapore.

We managed to contact about 30 members in the batch but only 11 were able to make it. This reunion took place after a period of 45 years and was initiated by batch mates, Jayachandran and Hariramabadran.

We meet each other after nearly 4 decades and had a great times in rewinding about our friends, class teachers, the childhood pranks. All of us felt like we were like some 15 or 16 years old.

The ‘ old students’ are also looking forward to connect with other batch mates. To connect with this batch call 2653 3837.

– Reported by M. D. Chander 

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7 Comments on “P. S. School 1967 batch reunion”

  1. I studied in P S High School South during 1967 to 1973. Would like meet all my old friends. Vaithyanathan and Ashok are still in touch. Call others to keep in touch so that we can meet

  2. It’s great to see my senior mates of PS. High School (North).

    good begining for our school & all of us no doubt.

    Memorable get-together.


  3. Dear Sir

    Thanks for the publication.It was great movement after many years reunion. It was same members team which took the P S H North to finals of TNCA league school cricket tournament


  4. Hi All, am very happy to see…. am 1995 – 1999 Batch. Mr.Ramachandran was my head master. i love and respect all my lovable teachers. Mr.Dharmarajan Sir, Mr.S.V Sir, Mr.A.V Sir, Mr. Murali Sir, Mr. Jayaram Sir, Mr. Augustin Sir, Mr. Davir sir, Mr. Sekar Sir etc… Happy pongal to all my P.S.High School students and staffs 🙂

  5. Our sincere thanks to the Editor of Mylapore Times for his response to our request to publish this great grand event of a reunion of schoolmates after 45 years. Long live Mylapore Times to carry such nostalgic moments of other Mylaporeans.

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